Turning chamber blast machines

Turning chamber blast machines

  • Compact system design

  • Targeted, single-part oriented work piece processing (one-piece-flow)

  • Short cycle times thanks to powerful drives and efficient dust extraction

  • Modern PLC control with storable recipes

  • Can be equipped with GAMMA G blast turbine

  • Simple maintenance, minimal maintenance costs

Rotary table blast machines, satellite table blast machines, and swing chamber blast machines are suitable for processing larger work pieces with often more complex structures. They all enable particularly targeted and reliable blasting of single components in one-piece flows in chambers, in specially separated segments, or on satellites.

In order to avoid idle time as a result of individual part processing, in some of the systems, it is possible to process work pieces in the blast chamber and simultaneously load and unload other work pieces in a separate area. The RST satellite table blast machine and the RWK swing chamber blast machine offer this process advantage. The systems are suitable for stand-alone operation or, depending on the system type, can be integrated into production lines (RWK/RST).

These systems are used for shot peening, deburring, cleaning, roughening, and homogenizing surfaces.


One-Piece-Flow in precision

RDT rotary table blast machine
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RDT rotary table blast machine

The RDT rotary table blast machine is suitable for processing work pieces of different sizes, shapes, and geometries. Even fragile parts can be processed in a rotary table blast machine. The blast chamber extends across the entire size of the rotary table. Depending on the requirements, the system can be equipped with up to three turbines.

RDT-S rotary table blast machine
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RDT-S rotary table blast machine

The RDT-S rotary table blast machine is a multi-chamber system. Bulkheads separate the different blast chambers from each other.An artificially created blast media barrier between the segments ensures the blast pattern is contained in each compartment. The system can be fully automated; its turbines can be arranged individually.

RST satellite table blast machine
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RST satellite table blast machine

The Rösler RST satellite table blast machine is equipped with a main rotary table and 15 satellites. This model can be easily inserted into complex production lines. The RST is designed especially for the processing of transmission components. In the front of the system, satellites are freely accessible for loading and unloading.

RWK swing chamber blast machine
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RWK swing chamber blast machine

The RWK automated swing chamber blast machine can be easily integrated into various production lines and operates extremely economically: its design as a two-chamber system allows simultaneous loading and unloading in the first chamber while the blast process can take place in the second chamber.

Our One-Piece-Flow
blasting machines in 360°

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